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Aug 29, 20211 min read
Day 3 of 7 Tapping Challenge
What happens when we turn our mind on the breath first? Use our breath to find center, calm, exploration, or just the loveliness of being?
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Aug 28, 20211 min read
Day 2 of 7 Day Tapping Challenge
What happens when the breath follows the anxiety, stress, worry? The breath becomes erratic, irregular and shallow. What happens when we hav
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Aug 27, 20212 min read
Day 1 of 7 Day Tapping Challenge: Focusing on Breath
Coming back to the breath helps us reframe and gather our energy for whatever is coming next and provides support while processing what has
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Aug 14, 20212 min read
Day 11 of 11 Day Tapping Challenge: Finding Power in the Present Moment
Are you beautiful only when someone else affirms it? Or are you beautiful because you are always beautiful?
Are you successful only when y
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